jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

The Freedom Proposal for Tibet

        Tibet is know for a country that endures civil disobedience and protest peacefully. The country of Tibet has suffers constant injustices by the Chinese government. Tibetans are being arrested for practicing their beliefs, culture,traditions are being destroyed. The Human Rights proclaim at least one ounce of democracy... of equality. Many practice their beliefs freely and respect other's faiths. Then, what right gives the Chinese government to attack someone's believes. Buddhism enchants spirituality, good, peace, love accepted, brotherhood, love for our motherland. This practice is world-wide respected for its distinct ideologies, especially for its influence in PEACE. Everyone wants peace, everyone wants equality. If the Chinese government was as truly powerful and good as it proclaims; why does it attack its brothers and sisters. They all want to be independent and free.We should all unite as one power country to right for Tibet!  
     Tibet needs full autonomy, that frees it from Chinese control over Tibetan culture. Our country needs financial aid and better education. Also more refugee political asylum in foreign countries and an open trade. This may come as benefit for Tibet and other country's economy. By establishing a federal house founds we can provide temporal asylum and fundraising may aid if we come together as one country. I exalt you all to think in the situation of Tibet. Stop and think what would you do if you were denied to practice your believes, to be slaves, to change your nationality, to be exiled from your own country for following your faith. We have to stop looking to the side and ignore the issues that are occurring today. We can not let a country of such historical importance both political and religious alone. Help is needed and the best way to start is by working together and tolerance with the majority of revolutionary ideas.
     Tibet is in need of a better education. EDUCATION SHOULD BE FREE  AND EQUAL. We have to prevent Chinese government from exterminating the Tibetan old books, language, cultural aspects, and religious relics in school. The new generation have the right to learn about their true culture and traditions. Although Tibet has a lot of Chinese influence we can not forget the Mongols and the British and French. The Mongols history is very unique because they were known to be ferocious and powerful. The Tibetans and the Mongols made a deal in which Tibet taught them spiritual practices and they provided protect. It saves to say that the Mongols are a perfect example that demonstrates that even the strongest need spirituality and faith. 
      Lets help and support Tibet! It is a country we owe great admiration and respect for its determination and faith. History can be made if we correct the problems of the past and help the present. Simultaneously, we better the future for many Tibetans in aid of freedom  and peace. What would you do to rescue your faith?

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